Creme caramel

  • Preparation: 20 minutes.
  • Cooking: 30 minutes.
What you need:
  • 6 Eggs
  •  3 cups of milk (I prefer whole milk for added flavor)
  •  8 tablespoons of sugar
  •  4 tablespoons of dry whole milk
  • A little vanilla flavoring (about the tip of a teaspoon, if you want to be exact 1/10th of a teaspoon)
Sugar glaze
  •  4 tablespoons of sugar.
  •  Baking pan (red in picture) to cook the flan in a water bath. 
  •  Bunt cake pan.

  • Turkish coffee pot for melting sugar :)


1. Preheat the oven to 350° F (or about 175° C) . The pans will be placed in the bottom of the oven so make sure only the bottom rack is in the oven to avoid dealing with hot racks.

2. Pour boiling water into Baking pan (about 2 inches or 4 cm from the bottom of the pan) and set aside. I try to do this first because I always forget to boil the water in the process. What you can do is while the water is heating up do the other steps, and kind of do this one in parallel.
3. This step is can also be done while you do the other steps. Put the sugar in the Turkish coffee pot and set on the burner on medium heat until all the sugar melts.
4. Add all the ingredients in a blender. I like to pour the liquid ingredients in first to make it easier.
5. Blend all the ingredients for several seconds until everything is mixed well (I know how tasty it is :) Don't drink the mixture just yet, you still need to cook it). If you're not sure what mixed well means I am attaching a picture.
6. Check on the sugar to make sure that it is melted completely. There is no need to stir in this step, but if it makes you happy and it might make it melt faster then by all means do it. If it is melted then pour the melted sugary goodness into the bunt pan, making sure that you covered as much of the bottom of the pan as possible.
7. Then pour the mixed ingredients into the bunt pan.
8.Then place the bunt pan in the baking pan full of the boiling water into the bottom rack of the oven and cook for 30 minutes.
9. Cool on the counter for about 15 minutes then place in the refridigerator for several hours and serve cold.
Let cool for about 15 minutes.
Place in fridge for several hours and serve cold :)
10. Serving (I forgot to take a picture, but it's supposed to be flipped.)

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